7 Truly Helpful Ways to Help Your Pregnant Wife

Husbands and partners feel useless 99% of the time when caring for their pregnant wife. I honestly do not remember all the things that my husband did for me when I was pregnant. I know he didn’t grocery shop like I wanted him, and I probably sounded ungrateful. However going through pregnancy without him would have been a misery so I accepted that he was going to buy anything the sample person was selling. He’s just a nice guy. 

We’ve collected 10 ways that husbands can help their wives while her body is changing and she is growing a whole person inside her. The truth is, she might not notice these things, but you will know that your small things are truly making her life easier, and that’s all you want, right? No glory seekers here. 

Case in point…

  1. Keep the toilet clean.
    She feels gross and may be consistently throwing up. Wouldn’t it be so nice of you to make sure she’s throwing up in a clean toilet. While you’re at it, you can give the tub a good scrub, too.
  2. You remember what you need from the store and you do the shopping.
    This Knock Knock notepad is a lifesaver if you’re not the usual grocery shopper of the family. Actually, it’s a lifesaver even if you are. If this outing is new to you, ask her to fill it out once with your weekly staples, and you take it from there.
  3. On a similar note, you do the cooking.
    Find out what she’s craving and make it in plenty. And get a good idea of the foods she can’t have like soft cheeses and cold deli meat. If you’re eating out, her favorite place and dish will change on a whim so ask what sounds good for that day. And she’s not sharing.
  4. Give her as much of the bed as she wants.
    Several things can make a pregnant woman uncomfortable at night time. There’s the obvious: the growing belly, making back and stomach sleeping a no-no. Also, her mind won’t stop racing. She could feel hungry or thirsty. And her body temperature is warmer than it used to be meaning she might not want to spoon or snuggle or be touched even by your pinky toe. Give her some space to spread out.
  5. Take a walk with her.
    See all of these free things we’re giving you? Walking as exercise is so good for your mama-to-be, especially during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. Get that baby locked and loaded. She may want to be alone, but offer to go along. You can talk or not talk. Quiet days will be hard to come by soon so either way, it’s going to be quality.
  6. You remember important dates.
    Pregnant women are fully capable, competent people and should not be patronized. But if there is something that isn’t on your daily or weekly calendar, you remember it, take care if it, or gently remind. Your older kid’s preschool class needs forks for the party? You do it. It’s her mom’s birthday? Remind her.
  7. Know what’s going on with her.
    Go to the doctor’s appointments if you can or stay with your older kids while she goes. Read a pregnancy book. Download an app. No woman wants to feel alone in pregnancy. Show that you’re there for her by being there for her. Ask questions. Be informed. Be a partner.

Let us know what your helpful tips are!

*All images are from Photo by Betsy.

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